Viejas 4

Posted by: Tintan

Jul 20, 2013

Recent Comments for Viejas 4 (60)
  • Who is Bart? What happened to Damon? Does anybody know? Does anybody care? Brava, Tintan!
  • Posing without panties or " butt floss " is always the correct way to pose. Brava, Tintan!
  • Very arousing lady in thong! I wanna lick her shaved pussy, big tits and tight butt!
  • This the first time I have seen you I would do anything for you your perfect
  • Let me see if I have this straight, "pleasentville," you like this woman's looks and body and compliment her on them. Yet you're (by the way, please learn to use the correct homonym) sick of MY comments? I'm the one confronting the morons who called her foul and racist names. My comments were in response to theirs. Perhaps you should reconsider at whom you're going to be directing your ire.
  • I'm so sick of Daninhbg comments. Your magnificent, trust me if you had the 2000 I hand my girlfriend every month to make her look good you would be a 10 to instead of a 9.
  • I'm still laughing at the fact that "daninbhg" has the audacity to claim he wins by my continuing to counter what he says, but doesn't recognize the fact that he had to come back as well to post. He thinks he's "trolling me." In fact, I could claim to be doing likewise. So even if he wants to call it a proverbial "draw," he still loses, as I'm standing against racists and misogynists, and he's standing FOR them. BTW, everyone knows who you are, "Daninbhg." We're supposed to believe that you just HAPPENED to appear after "Snuggy 123" made his comments? I've been using the same moniker for years. Think about it . . . your found a way to out-coward the cowards! LOL
  • So once again "daninbhg" clearly shows that to call him a halfwit would be to give him twice the credit he deserves. He claims he's "trolling" me, yet he doesn't realize that he keeps coming back as well. You can't have it both ways . . . well, perhaps I shouldn't say that as, judging by your posts, you've had it SEVERAL ways! LOL
  • By the way, I am greatly amused at your claim that you're "trolling" me. You make such a claim while refusing to acknowledge the reality that your constant need to return to this Board makes you as much a victim of "trolling" as you accuse me of being. Of course, I doubt you'll appreciate the irony of the situation . . . because I doubt you know the definition of the WORD "irony."
  • By the way, nothing is funnier than watching a person try too hard . . . and STILL fail. You keep attempting to attack my sexuality, but your need to utilize such vivid embellishments only serves to show how much thought you've put into that particular issue. I guarantee that any male who has been reading your comments would no longer feel comfortable being alone with you in a locker room. Too often we find that those who go overboard on their rhetoric are hiding something. You're no longer hidden, my friend. LOL
  • Well, let's look at that. First, you ignore the irony of while claiming you keep me coming back, YOU yourself keep coming back. Second, unlike you, I know how to utilize an ellipses as well as the proper manner in writing one. And third, again you continue to write your vivid descriptions of g@y sex. You see, I target your obvious lack of intelligence, creativity and education. I target your lack of class. I target your racism. AND I target your obvious latent homeauxwsexuality (misspelled intentionally). In your posts, you target one subject, and unfortunately in doing so you have shown an attention to detail that speaks volumes of your own experiences. LOL
  • Well, let's look at that. First, you ignore the irony of while claiming you keep me coming back, YOU yourself keep coming back. Second, unlike you, I know how to utilize an ellipses as well as the proper manner in writing one. And third, again you continue to write your vivid descriptions of g@y sex. You see, I target your obvious lack of intelligence, creativity and education. I target your lack of class. I target your racism. AND I target your obvious latent h0mosexuality. In your posts, you target one subject, and unfortunately in doing so you have shown an attention to detail that speaks volumes of your own experiences. LOL
  • Well, let's look at that. First, you ignore the irony of while claiming you keep me coming back, YOU yourself keep coming back. Second, unlike you, I know how to utilize an ellipses as well as the proper manner in writing one. And third, again you continue to write your vivid descriptions of g@y sex. You see, I attack your obvious lack of intelligence, creativity and education. I attack your lack of class. I attack your racism. AND I ridicule your obvious latent h0mosexuality. You have only one form of attack, and unfortunately in the utilization of such you have shown an attention to detail that speaks volumes of your own experiences. LOL
  • Like I wrote before (and someone erased), if you're going to attempt to be clever, try to be consistent in your tenses and try NOT to write in the first, second and even third person in the same paragraph. Seriously, dude, you SUCK at this! LOL
  • Well, let's look at that. First, you ignore the irony of while claiming you keep me coming back, YOU yourself keep coming back. Second, unlike you, I know how to utilize an ellipses as well as the proper manner in writing one. And third, again you continue to write your vivid descriptions of g@y sex. You see, I attack your obvious lack of intelligence, creativity and education. I attack your lack of class. I attack your racism. AND I ridicule your obvious latent h0mosexuality. You have only one form of attack, and unfortunately in the utilization of such you have shown an attention to detail that speaks volumes of your own experiences. LOL


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