Bashfulgranny Nude

Posted by: Bashfulgranny

Sep 28, 2013

Several of you complained that I only show off my tits so here's a few photos that show all of me.

Recent Comments for Bashfulgranny Nude (29)
  • So exciting close shots! Nice looking shaved pussy and big tits!
  • Always have said that if you have got it flaunt it!!!!!
  • looks like westcoast9 has changed his name to caliLA. Same copy & paste comment everywhere. Nothing like a SPAMBOT! Please flag this guy.
  • You have a gorgeous body and should not be bashful about it! Work on better photography, poses and lighting. We hope to see more of you soon! Thank you!!
  • delicious...
  • Look honey, all I want to see is if you still have a nice lickable pussy or not.
  • SEXY ! Love it !
  • Those who don't like them didn't read the preface showing tits only. Hey your tits are not bad and would be a nice f**k but like so many if you want a great F88k there is nothing like the real thing Pussy.
  • Delightful
  • Ok, it looks like some people aren't happy with my submissions no matter what.
  • were's the pussy? open up please
  • Beautiful and natural body. Very good
  • just baffles me how SPAMMER's like ncdave (.a. westcoast9), michaelpatrick and MT007 continue to post their SAME copy and paste comment everywhere. Do they not think we contributors don't see them on everyone ele's comments? Are they just that lazy or do they really think we're all stoopid?
  • Hello, i am Berry from Holland, single, 52 y. I have no sexlife at all, so it means a lot for me to may look at beautiful woman like you. Thanks for that. I hope to may receive some private pics with face and if you like i show you how i masturbate on youre pics. @
  • You shouldn't be shy. You have a very sexy body. Love the pictures and want to see more of you. DandW4funn@
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